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How To Own Your Self Worth As An Entrepreneur

Powerful Questions To Bust Through Your Blocks

By Shana Lynn Yao

Are you where you want to be in your life right now? Business aside, do you feel like you are successful in your life?

The truth is, your business - what you do, how much money you make, and the freedom you have in how you do it - it's all a choice. And that choice decides your everyday success - in BOTH your business and life.

Do you feel like you deserve more? More money? More influence? More power?

I asked myself that question a few weeks ago and my answer surprised even ME. I've always been a high achiever (I mean my dad had "We try harder" written on the hallway wall at my house), and have always gone for what I wanted, and actually achieved what I wanted.

But a few weeks ago when I asked myself if I deserved more, my answer stopped me in my own tracks.


It was shocking as I thought my educated mind was playing tricks on myself until I realized why I said that. I realized that over the last few years having an online business, I started to want things I had never had, actually EXPECT them, and although I am very clear of my mission and path, I found myself totally stressed out, feeling like I wasn't doing enough - and what it came down to was that I wasn't even noticing the life I was MISSING.

But then one day my soul just opened up. And I realized I was working so hard at getting that "next thing done" that I had lost track of my original definition of what success was to me - which was doing things I used to love doing. Owning every part of my happiness and freedom. And not trying to get somewhere else. Not "trying" to get something that wasn't even what I originally wanted. Just being me.

Something magical happens when you realize you've been driving with your foot on the gas AND the brake. It's a subtle energy inside of you, that if you aren't conscious of it, your high achieving, self-driven personality will make you lose your self worth.

And what happens when you fall into "doing" mode rather than "being"?

You start working for goals that you never wanted in the first place.
You trade your time for dollars.
You feel forced to do things you don't want to do to get things you think you want.
And you stop getting what you actually want. 

The bottom line is, you lose your own self respect.

Owning your self respect and personal value is the ONE measurement of success that is consistent. It has nothing to do with the amount of money you want to make, the houses you want to buy, and the number of followers and likes you have.

Owning your self worth, however, CAN mean that you can have all of that - if that's what you really want.

I call it "personal influence" - to consciously CHOOSE the exact path you want to take in order to achieve what you want in your business. You have a choice! You have a choice in:
1. How much money you want to make
2. What you do as your business
3. What you will settle for while you are creating your success
4. Creating your own happiness
5. How much time you spend doing 1-4.

To me, that's what your Money Code is. It's being able to notice that you everything you want lives on the other side of your ownership of your self worth.

You are worthiness ALREADY, and if you are finding yourself lacking clarity, "trying" but not "getting" - I have 5 powerful questions you need to answer.

1. What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of doing, saying, experiencing because of possible failure or judgement from others?

2. What is holding you back? (where are you too comfortable that may be a bad habit or routine of procrastination)?

3. Where are you lacking clarity? Where is there a GAP between where you are and where you want to go? Who has the power to close that gap that you need to ask?

4. What is driving your work - power? money? status? Do you know?

5. What is your definition of success? (be specific)

I hope you're excited because just RECOGNIZING your own self worth is the first step to having everything you want. Because it's all inside of you NOW! It's just hiding behind the learned blocks inside of you. 

I want to clear away any clutter holding you back. And that's why I'm going to town in the Master Your Money Code Masterclass.

IN THIS WORKSHOP (there is a workbook and everything!), I'm going to share:

  • How to break through the beliefs holding you back so you are able to do what you need with confidence
  • Proven methods for attracting clients who need you and want to pay you 
  • How to avoid the common "No Client" trap that most businesses fall into and always have a steady flow
  • How to unlock all of the genius ideas in your head and position them into your powerful brand that screams YOU, attracts your raving fans, and has you feeling confident 
  • What your purpose really is and how it is the key to your business success
  • How to feel free to create from your own expertise and life experience with very few rules
  • The changes you need to make in order for those things to happen

Hope to see you there! Remember, the only way to get what you want, to truly get what you deserve in your life is to GO FOR what you want. 


Time is ticking. Don't miss out on the life you have by not living it now.

Shana Yao is a Branding & Marketing Strategist, with over 28 years of experience managing multimillion dollar retail and shopping center locations, including the famed Rodeo Drive. 

She works with high achieving clients to empower them to own their expertise so they can make a bigger impact in the world, with a signature business that reflects their personal style. She is host of the Marketing Made Meaningful podcast on ITunes, dog mom, and creative visionary.

Driven by purpose, her mission is to build Luminary Leaders of tomorrow to light up the world with change and innovation. Her focus around the areas of holistic health, personal style, and mental clarity, are based on the belief that true success is found in becoming the person you are meant to be in life and using that to empower your business. For it's the combination of your greatest strengths, talents, and life experience that fulfills your life and creates true, everlasting success. 

Join her and other Luminary Leaders, lighting the world with their holistic and powerful businesses at the The Business Luminaries.