Holistic Genius

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Episode #8: How To Use Your Body & Mind To Heal Your Health




Wellness Masterclass with Dr. Meg Haworth

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episode #8: Heal Your Health With The Power Of Your Mind & Body Shana Yao

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episode #8: Wellness Masterclass: Heal Your Health with Your Own Body & Mind Shana Yao

Can improving your health improve the results in your business?

The reality is, healthy is attractive, and sends out a positive energy that adds to the value you deliver. Additionally, being UNhealthy can hold you back when you don't feel well, are taken down with disease, or troubled with things such as foggy brain or lack of clarity.

Today, we have a special guest, Holistic Wellness Expert Dr. Meg Haworth, at www.meghaworth.com.  We will be talking about healing your body and your health with your nutrition and the power of your mind.

This is an informative and truth-telling episode that you will want to listen to again and share it wth your family and friends.

It's not just about the health of your business alone - this is about your LIFE and total well-being.

Dr. Meg Haworth is an Author, Holistic Wellness Expert, and Celebrity Chef.  She has been featured in the LA Times, NBC Nightly News, The Huffington Post, numerous interviews and symposiums, hosts a podcast series on iTunes, and taught cooking classes at Whole Foods Market.  She is the author of five books in nutrition and personal development and has co-authored two more and is an Amazon Best Selling Author. As a survivor of drowning, being struck by lightning, healing over a dozen illnesses including fibromyalgia, and as a private nutritional chef to celebrities, Dr. Haworth teaches people how to heal themselves with food and the power of the mind in her wellness coaching programs, Get Well Now, What Celebrities Eat, and 21 Days to Healthy Eating. She also heals underlying emotional patterns at the cellular level in her ground-breaking process called Whole Person Integration Technique.  You can find her on the web at www.meghaworth.com.