Build awareness for your next book launch, product, or service


by Shana Lynn Yao
CEO | Business & Personal Success Strategist
Total Genius™


Marketing Strategy client attraction

Whether it's a new launch, a holiday, or a new book you've written, you can be your own best press agent by creating a well written press release and gain media coverage.

Knowing how to write a press release is an essential skill for any business owner. Often overlooked due to the over-promoted social media tactics - which most business owners try to learn and fail to attract clients with - free media coverage is an effective, and different way to bring awareness to your cause and get new leads in your business.

But what information should you include? What are the key points you need to hit on to get your story covered? And how do you get it out there?

Here s a simple and effective way to get started…


A press release is a summary of information you want to others to know - usually it's focused around a new launch, a special event, a timely holiday, or a problem you solve on a popular subject.

As a business owner, your release should be purposeful and focused - perhaps for a new book, product or service.

Your story needs to be newsworthy. 

A good way to tell if something is newsworthy is to think about the things that interest you. What have you read, watched and listened to over the last week or so and why did those those stories grab your attention? Start to pay attention to things that catch your interest. 

Was there a new food that you could eat and magically lose 5 lbs? Did you learn about a new healthy menu at a local restaurant, a new store opening, a new way to tie a scarf?

As a general rule, most people are interested in things that are new, surprising facts (you would be astounded at the lack of knowledge in the general public of holistic health, wellness, optimal nutrition, managing stress, your mind, etc.  Remember, as Seth Godin has said it's the ‘what’s in it for me’ WII-FM station EVERYBODY is tuned into. 

Look at your niche - your target audience. Who are they? What do they want to learn? Are there enough of them? What are they reading? WHERE are they reading or watching this information?

As the CEO of your company, standing out on a DIFFERENT PLATFORM - such as in the media as opposed to social media - will set you apart from others in your same category. 


“Many people appear to be selling the same kinds of products or services, but the brands that rise above the rest and become leaders of their industry.”
— Marie Forleo

In order to write an effective press release, you need to know:

WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT? Understanding of what makes different so you stand out from the crowd
WHAT DO YOUR BBF LEGACY CLIENTS WANT: Understanding the motivations of yourself and how it relates to the emotions and motivations of others
WHAT URGENT PROBLEM DO YOU SOLVE? - What is the urgent problem you solve? Your niche is defined by the urgent problem you solve. Know your niche and you will know what your highest value is to others and how to maximize it in the media.
KNOWLEDGE - You have a wealth of information already inside of you so you have confidence to teach it to others, creating and seeding in your value and confidence with every life you touch
WHERE TO PITCH YOURSELF: Get the attention of your local media - newspaper editors, TV newsrooms, favorite broadcasters that are applicable, national publication (get specific names), and places online such as

Understanding your genius is found in a combination of your expertise and life experience that, when positioned correctly in your business, empowers you, the business owner with your purpose and solves an urgent problem for a specific niche. You become the self-empowered leader for your tribe of clients  What you sell creates massive value for the people you serve, giving you the trust in yourself as you move forward.

This is the  job of your marketing strategy - to communicate that value. It's not just to "be visible". Your solid strategy must position you for the value that you are in such a way, that others recognize it and want to buy from you - and that includes in the press.

Are you ready to create your strategic press release?  Download your FREE PRESS RELEASE TEMPLATE


Now that you have your press release, it's time to get your business Positioned for Profit with your marketing! This is the step by step, supervised program that will help you create your client attraction business machine.

If you want:
 A solid business foundation based on your highest values and goals
√ Find out your money strategy with a system that keeps you on track
√ Identify who your ideal clients are and what problems you solve for them
√ A marketing strategy that works for YOU

In business, It’s not about being better than the competition. It's not about trying to be everywhere. And it's not about being on Facebook and trying to get more "likes".

It’s about having a business that is has a solid foundation, with a strategic marketing plan of action. A business that is based on your expertise and life experience, that supports what you STAND FOR, and ATTRACTS your ideal clients based on a purposeful strategy and system that works.

Ready to scale attract your tribe of loyal PAYING CLIENTS and build your business in a smart, strategic and purposeful way using positioning?

Click here to find out how you can create your own customized marketing solutions to create your business success!



Shana Yao is CEO and Founder of TOTAL GENIUS™, where she works with high achieving entrepreneurs to discover your genius - the combination of your greatest strengths, talents, and life experience - to create a profit generating business based on your purpose, that fulfills your life and makes an impact on the world. She is an award-winning Business and Personal Success Strategist with over 28 years of experience managing multimillion dollar retail and shopping center locations, including the famed Rodeo Drive. 

Shana helps her clients achieve discover and empower their genius within. Using her knowledge of neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming, positive psychology, emotional and positive intelligence, and high level business strategies, she works to develop her client’s unique vision by uncovering their purpose, their message, building their profit-generating signature program and putting their words into action on their website and in their customized marketing strategy. Schedule a chat to get your business and personal brand positioned to sell.