3 Superfoods To Get Glowing Skin

By Shana Lynn Yao

Photo credit: @gerihirsch

Photo credit: @gerihirsch

It's an INSIDE JOB. While everybody is salivating for the latest face cream and topical treatments, healing acne or any skin issues starts from the inside out. Specifically your gut.

I know it sounds like an unpleasant subject and one that has nothing to do with getting glowing skin, but research shows that ALL disease - including acne - stems in your gut.

Everything from autoimmune disorders, acne, skin issues, IBS, Parkinson's, Cancer and so much moreThe subject is so wide and deep and since I'm not a scientist or a nutritionist, I just want to dive into the part that I've found success in - getting glowing skin.

After suffering severe acne for years, I recently have uncovered the secret to glowing skin. And while my skin is not perfect after so many years of scarring, the underlying problems have cleared - and now I just want to share it with the world.

As someone who helps others build an external personal brand - with your website and social media presence, I strongly believe you can't show up as your best self - look good in your social media photos, selfies, and videos if you don't look good AND feel good.

The phrase "health is wealth" couldn't be more true. Everything from the clarity in your own mind, to your confidence and even your weight, can effect your business AND your bank account. In the short term, not feeling good and not looking good (to yourself) can make you shy away from doing videos, speaking in public, and drowning in low self esteem.

In the long term, mild to severe gut related illnesses like IBS, acne, or like me, a connective tissue disorder caused by autoimmune disease causes life changing illness and lowers your quality of life... and eventually can progress into more severe conditions and even death.

First Steps To Glowing Skin

The first step to anything you want in life is as simple as just becoming aware that there is a problem. Acknowledging that you have a deeper health issue than just the cleanser you're using, is the first step. I mean, when nothing else is working, it's time to look at the deeper issue that could be causing the problem.

You have to own it in order to be able to change it. After suffering from my own autoimmune condition from a lifetime of NOT KNOWING how to eat, not knowing that my own mind could be contributing to my health, I wanted to find answers. So I did a lot of research and today, I'm going to share 3 of the secrets to glowing skin - found in these superfoods that will not only help your skin but heal the underlying problem - your gut.



If somebody would have told me that coconut oil could not only give me glowing skin but actually help me lose weight years ago, I would have never believed it. But thank goodness for Dave Asprey, the creator of The Bulletproof Diet, who taught me that coconut oil could change your life (or at least your skin!)

After diving into in depth research about our own biology and how certain foods interact in our body, I not only stopped eating ALL grains, but completely changed my fat-phobic mind. And now, my morning coffee is not complete with out a tablespoon of his coveted Brain Octane coconut oil.

To say that it changed my life is NOT an exaggeration. If you can picture someone wiping your eyeballs clean and gaining instant clarity, that is the experience you get the first time you try this magic potion. It's just high quality coconut oil - but the experience is something quite amazing. And why it works is that our cells - our brain cells, body - it's all powered by FAT. So when you feed it fat first thing in the morning, it's like putting gas in an empty car.

All I can say is if you ignore anything else in this article, try this one thing. It will change your life AND help your skin.


Chlorophyll is known not only to fight cancer, but because it improves liver detoxification and improves digestion, it's an essential addition to achieve glowing skin. Because of its strong antioxidant effects, it can help your body clear out the toxins causing acne and dull skin. 

Remember, all disease stems in your gut and INSIDE your body - so before you dive into the face creams and makeup, start on what's going on INSIDE.


Everybody needs a green supplement. I'm sure by now you've heard about juicing and people going on juice fasts. But I'm a practical girl and starving myself by only consuming liquids sounds painful and unpleasant :o

So suffering aside, adding a green supplement such as Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Premium Greens  in a green juice every morning, is how I start everyday. It's packed with 25 billion probiotics, organic alkalizing Wheat Grasses, Kale, Nettle, Dandelion, Kelp, Spirulina and Chlorella... the list is endless.

*** And as an added bonus - I pulled this easy reference charge from an article I recently came across. I can't recommend enough to do your own research and really get nerdy and passionate about becoming healthier and better at just being YOU. 

Dietary Guidelines - ** reference by Justin Faerman - after researching numerous resources, scientists, nutritionists and health specialists, this is one of the best most thorough articles I have seen on how to cure your gut. I highly recommend reading the article)

The following suggestions, with the exception of eliminating artificial sugars, are only necessary until you get your digestion functioning back at optimal levels. At that point, you can reintroduce foods and see how your body is reacting to them. If you feel fine, then you can include them in your diet in a balanced manner.

Foods to Emphasize

Ideal Foods for Healing Digestive Problems

Whole, gluten-free grains (brown or any other colored rice, non-GMO corn, millet, amaranth, quinoa, etc.)

+ Beans, lentils and other legumes
+ Vegetables of any kind
+ Organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised meats
+ Wild-caught seafood
+ Sea vegetables

Eat in Moderation When Healing Digestive Problems

+ Nuts and seeds, sprouted or roasted
+ Fermented foods*
+ Fruits**

Recommended Oils & Fats

+ Coconut oil
+ Ghee
+ Olive oil

Seasonings for Healing Digestive Problems

+ Celtic, Himalayan or other unrefined salts
+ All natural spices and herbs

Overall Guidelines

+ Always choose whole, organic, unprocessed, non-GMO foods whenever possible
+ All food—with the exception of fruits—ideally, should be cooked
+ Limit intake of liquids and cold foods when eating
+ Chew food thoroughly

Foods to Reduce or Eliminate

+ Wheat and other gluten-containing grains
+ Cheese and milk products
+ All artificial and refined sugar and limit natural sugar intake (honey, fruits, juices, etc.)
+ Eat nuts and seeds sparingly; and if so, make sure they are sprouted or roasted
+ Pay attention to how your body reacts to eggs. If you feel fine, you may continue to eat them; however, many people find them to be difficult to digest
+ Limit intake of soy products
+ Be careful when eating at restaurants, as all of the above-mentioned foods are frequently added in copious amounts to improve flavor

It is important here to note that the above mentioned foods are not bad for you by any stretch, especially if they are eaten in a whole, unprocessed form (again, with the exception of artificial and refined sugar). In fact, they are all highly nutrient-dense foods that provide many health benefits and should be included as part of a well-rounded diet. However, if you are suffering from digestive problems, they can be aggravating because of their difficulty to digest. Eliminating them from your diet in the short term will allow you to heal much faster, so you can get back to eating the foods you enjoy once again. If unsure, check in with your body and see how it reacts when you eat them.

*In small amounts, these can sometimes help, but they can also hinder, primarily because they are damp, wet and cold. As always, listen to your body.

**If your digestive problems are severe, then fruits may need to be limited. In this case small amounts of berries are usually tolerable.