How I Attracted 10,000+ Instagram Followers In 70 Days

By Shana Lynn Yao

How I attracted 10,000+ followers on Instagram in 70 Days

A few months ago I was broke - or rather, I was not broke but broken.

Yup - there I was - hating my business, hating Facebook and the vapid posts and environment that surrounded me. It left me feeling empty inside - like all that I tried to do in my business - from my Marketing Made Meaningful podcast to all of my work helping people discover their genius purpose, build a business you love and helping you live a meaningful and fulfilling life - Facebook had made me feel like all of that was for not.

Just saw this on Facebook last night

Just saw this on Facebook last night


And after spending almost year of feeling that way, beating myself up in my head, despite actually continuing my work and working wth clients, I was not only empty inside but didn't realize that inside my body due to my lack of knowledge of holistic health as a child and a lifetime of not understanding how my thoughts actually negatively impacted my body had left me with severe bone degeneration (my body was attacking itself, otherwise known as autoimmunity), and I landed in the hospital emergency room for a hip replacement.

Long story very short, the week I spent in the hospital was the best week I had experienced in quite some time. I was cared for by a team of doctors, had nurses at my beck and call, and I was literally taken away from my business - and Facebook - beyond my control. 

And something amazing happened during that week. Not only did I get a new hip, but I re-discovered myself - the self I had lost the previous year. The person I was before I had my business - an experienced retail and shopping center marketing director for high end centers and Rodeo Drive. The self that loved all things fashion, style, and my gift of turning the ordinary into extraordinary, simply by focusing on it's key differences - or what I refer to in the business world as your personal brand.  

I spent the week diving into fashion blogs, writing, designing, praying, caring for myself, and basically remembering not only who I was but what my real purpose of my business was - to help people discover the true genius inside of you, and showcase that in your business and attract the high value you are.

So when I got out, of the safe haven of the hospital, I kind of had a panic attack. There I was faced with real life again :o and UGH - Facebook. And I found myself falling back into the routine I was in before.. And after a few weeks I suddenly woke up. 

What the hell was I doing? Why was I doing the one thing I tell others not to do - which is to  CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK.

A message one of my business friends wrote me.

A message one of my business friends wrote me.

And that was when I fell in LOVE with Instagram. Yes! And actually, in the process, I accidentally fell in love with MYSELF.

I literally had an #instaloveaffair with myself through the magic of Instagram.

REAL LIFE - our brains actually interpret our lives through the magic of storytelling and pictures. Back in the caveman days they would draw on the walls with sticks and dirt. Now, how spoiled are we with cameras at our fingertips and an actual social media marketing tool designed as the world's largest photo album and actually, the one of the world's largest shopping MALLS. 

So literally about 2 months ago I set out on my Instagram journey. I'm a creative designer, have an eye for spotting trends, attracting beautiful people with talent, and a heart that is always helping people turn their magic into a paid passion plan that helps them love their business AND their life.

* Certified Authentic & Real followers by Industry giant Fohr Card

* Certified Authentic & Real followers by Industry giant Fohr Card

And that was it! After discovering the secrets of fashion bloggers, and how to not beat Instagram's algorithm but to bypass it, I discovered not only did I love this darling of social media but that I literally was manifesting herds of followers but in the process ended up spending most days LAUGHING and having fun, learning about fun things like posing like a fashion bloggerboob tape (oh yes I did!), and I ended up clearing my stress-caused acned skin, getting more confident in my high value, getting new clients not only for business but for helping them with their autoimmune conditions, and, well, growing my following 6,676 people (as of today).

It's kind of mind blowing, considering how low I had fallen earlier in the year, to turning my life around and actually creating the life that I had always wanted. 

And the truth is, it's not all fun and games and I'm FAR from where I want to be. But the important part was that I started. I did things DIFFERENT than what I was doing before (insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result). And I learned how to not only make my life look beautiful and amazing, I actually made my life BE more beautiful and amazing.

I'm growing by a few hundred followers a day - organically (of course!) but I still have bad days, days where I doubt myself, and days when I don't know what to write about, and don't want to be in front of the camera. But hello - that's actually called LIFE.

So that's how I turned my failure into success and well, I'm not done yet. I'm launching a new movement soon to help you fall in love with Instagram, discover how to you can use it to fall in love with your business, your life, and yourself - but you don't have to wait! And (haha) just during the course of writing this article I gained 100 followers overnight) :)

If you want to discover your own custom strategy, I'll be sharing everything I know with you personally. One to one. To develop a customized plan essential to mastering Instagram.

Either way, don't wait to start creating the business and life you love - however you envision that your successful journey takes you. But if you want to do it the FUN way, don't wait.  Fall in love with Instagram and let me show you how to have your own 

Can't wait? I'll help you develop your own Insta Success. Find out how to grow your own authentic and real following of raving fans and followers.

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Shana Yao is a Best Life Strategist at Total Genius®. She believes we all have a story that lives inside of us. Your life story when uncovered and developed, becomes a brand story that creates your life purpose, changes lives and is the money code that becomes your life of profit, purpose, and meaning. You can connect with her @total_genius on Instagram and Your Best Life on Facebook.