3 Instagram Hacks To Increase Your Following The Fun Way

By Shana Lynn Yao

Instagram. With over 700 million users, 68% female, and Facebook becoming a crowded and low visibility mess,  Instagram is quickly becoming the go to social media app for entrepreneurs to gain attention and a following for their business.  And while most people think that the old school rules of following and copying people who do similar work to you, creating unique hashtags, and following people will grow your own following, those rules couldn't be more wrong and misinterpreted for the passion-filled business owner.

In fact, looking OUTSIDE of the old school ways and getting ideas from outside of your own category of business could not only grow your Instagram following but also your LIFE.

As someone who has spent the last 28 years of my life as a retail and shopping center marketing director, working with fashion brands, and loving all things that exude a strong personal style, in addition to specializing in helping my clients build great brands that exude their own strong personality and style, I have noticed a distinct difference between the growth and trajectory of the two diverse worlds of the Facebook entrepreneur and that of the fashion blogger.

Why should you care? Well, quite honestly, because you clicked on this article about growing your Instagram following and because you're tired of "trying" to follow the cookie cutter formula (which probably isn't working) and would like to grow your tribe the easy and fun way. I mean just from personal experience, using some of these ideas has not only grown my own Instagram following by 5000 followers in just 30 days but has increased my happiness and love of life. (a bonus I didn't even know would happen).

So if you're ready, let's get started. And keep in mind this is only a small part of the overall strategy, which I'll be sharing more of in the next few weeks. Be sure to subscribe to THE DAILY to make sure you are in the loop, so you too can grow your Instagram following, grow your tribe, and live your BEST BADASS BUSINESS AND LIFE.

Grow Your Instagram Followers Like A Fashionista



You've heard that location matters in real estate - but in fact - it matters on Instagram! Instagram is about GREAT IMAGES. The reality is you can apply a lot of different business strategies to grow your following, but in the end, you are trying to attract a human being. Humans have eyes that are naturally attracted to attractive things.

I know, duh, but the truth is, if you look at your own feed, do you love it? Would you follow you? What makes it interesting and eye catching?

Fashion bloggers, on the other hand, easily attract followers because it's their JOB to look good. And how does that apply to you? 

You now have a business. You have to market yourself on social media. And again, you're reading this article. What unique locations are in your city that you could take some eye catching photos? How much fun would it be to bring a friend, your camera or iphone, and take a few Instagram worthy photos? 

Remember, you have a business but you also have a LIFE. Combining the needs and wants of both of those two things can not only grow your business but grow your experience in living your BEST LIFE.

Photo by Damsel In Dior - one of my favorite fashion bloggers 

Photo by Damsel In Dior - one of my favorite fashion bloggers 


What things naturally catch your eye? It turns out our human brains are run by our flight or flight brain. It's the most primitive brain and in caveman days, that brain kept us safe, protecting us from moving sabertooth tigers.

Well there are no tigers in my neck of the woods (so chances are not in yours either?) but that doesn't change the fact that our brains are trained to spot MOTION.

Get moving! Simply by showing yourself in motion, doing short 1 minute videos, and capturing yourself in movement can draw your followers in. Remember, Instragram is just another way to create your brand story that sells

Photograph courtesy of Facebook, Aimee Song, Song of Style  ,

Photograph courtesy of Facebook, Aimee Song, Song of Style  ,


This is going to seem so weird and awkward, but the truth is, the reason fashion bloggers have followings of hundreds of thousands to millions is because they have fallen in love with themselves and their lives. It is their job to look great, make their lives look great, and to create their work of art through living their BEST LIFE on Instagram.

In fact, our human brains are trained to see FACES. And people, if you just focus on the fact that you are trying to attract HUMANS and not a number on your account, you will understand that people are attracted to people. We are naturally curious human beings (hello reality TV). And the more you can make your life be an Instagramable moment - not because you have to but because you WANT to live your best life AND grow your following, the more you will see the magic in living up to the image you are showing on your social media feeds.

There are 3 simple ideas you can now use to grow your Instagram followers. Which ideas can you take away and apply to grow your own tribe and LIVE YOUR BEST BUSINESS & LIFE? 

Tell me in the comments below. Please share this if you have a friend that would love to grow their Instagram followers and live their best life ever - and watch for more tips and tricks by subscribing to THE DAILY and following me on my favorite social media app, INSTAGRAM.